Saturday, January 24, 2015

Grimm - S3E21 - The Inheritance

This post contains some minor spoilers.

After re-watching this episode of Grimm, I started thinking about the name of one of the characters - Rolek Porter.  It's not a very common name, so I thought that there had to be some sort of reference hidden in it.  I couldn't come up with anything for Rolek, but the Porter part is actually pretty descriptive of the character.

Rolek Porter is dying, and before he's gone, he wants to give Nick a trunk of some Grimm-related things and an-other key.  Like Nick, Porter is a Grimm, but he doesn't seem to be as involved in the Wesen world as Nick is.  Porter tells Nick that he (Porter) "couldn't do what [his ancestors] did" or what Nick does.  So while Porter has a trunk of Grimm things, he doesn't really use them himself (and his son isn't a Grimm so he wouldn't have a use for them).  This is where the Porter part of his name comes in; he just carries the stuff.

That section of his name works especially well in that Porter came from Pennsylvania to Oregon to give Nick the trunk.  It's also interesting that Porter is first introduced in a hotel, so there's a tenuous connection to hotel porters: