Saturday, January 14, 2023

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - S5E8 - "Bound for Rescue"

In my latest re-watch of The Clone Wars, I've reached the episode arc in season five where some Jedi younglings go on an expedition to obtain the crystals for their lightsabers but then get attacked by pirates.  In "Bound for Rescue" (S5E8), I saw a detail I'd never noticed before, and while it's not very significant, I thought it was a nice touch, so I'm writing about it.

Ahsoka Tano accompanies the younglings on their expedition, and in the previous episode ("A Test of Strength"), after the pirates attack, she tells them, "Do not, and I mean do not, engage the pirates.  Your only job is to stay hidden."  She manages to get the pirates off the Jedi ship but is captured in the process.  At the beginning of "Bound for Rescue," the younglings' distress call is answered by Obi-Wan Kenobi, who intends to pick them up and then rescue Ahsoka.  He also re-iterates Ahsoka's instruction and tells them, "You will not jeopardize your safety trying to be heroes, understood?"

Damage to the ship forces the younglings to land on Florrum, which is the closest planet and also where the pirates took Ahsoka.  Since Obi-Wan's fleet is held up in a Separatist attack and the younglings are already on Florrum, they decide to rescue Ahsoka themselves.

Eventually, after disguising themselves as circus performers, they're successful in freeing Ahsoka, and as they leave the pirates' base, Ahsoka says, "I could pretend to be angry, but you were all very brave.  Thank you."

When Ahsoka mentions being angry, Byph (the Ithorian on the left) frowns:

But when Ahsoka approves the younglings' actions, Byph smiles:

It's a subtle effect, but it illustrates Byph's feelings very clearly.