Saturday, August 20, 2022

Star Wars - Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

Recently, I re-watched the original Star Wars trilogy for research for my Star Wars blog.  (I'm still in the midst of writing about The Clone Wars, so I'm publishing this post here instead.)  Re-watching Return of the Jedi reminded me of a realization I had about the title last year:  it's ambiguous who that titular Jedi is.

I think I'd always understood the "Jedi" in the title to refer to Luke, either specifically or as a representation of the whole Jedi order.  Yoda tells Luke that he will be a Jedi only after he confronts Vader.  Since he does confront him, he earns the title.  As he tells the Emperor, "I am a Jedi, like my father before me."  By the end of the movie, the Sith have been defeated and the Emperor has lost his hold on the galaxy, so, in a broader sense of the title, the entire Jedi order can return from near extinction.  Luke is free to follow Yoda's instructions and "pass on what you have learned."

Last year, I realized that the "Jedi" in the title could also refer to Anakin.  He had been a Jedi and turned to the dark side, but near the end of the movie, he returns to the light side and becomes a Jedi again.