Saturday, March 28, 2020

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - S6E6 - "The Rise of Clovis"

About a year ago, I watched the Banking Clan arc of Star Wars: The Clone Wars (episodes 5 through 7 of season 6), and the following month, I realized some implications of a grammatical error that Padmé makes in episode 6, "The Rise of Clovis."

After Clovis repeatedly asks about the relationship between Padmé and Anakin, Padmé asserts that "there is nothing romantic between he and I."  The pronouns "he" and "I" are in the wrong grammatical case here; they should be "him" and "me."  Padmé's misuse of these pronouns illustrates that she's flustered because of Clovis' suspicion - or perhaps even discernment - of the romantic relationship that does indeed exist between the two.  It's also significant that Padmé separates herself from Anakin here; she says, "he and I" and not "us."

I should note that by no means do I expect characters' grammar to be perfect all of the time.  After all, some looseness in language is what makes dialogue seem realistic.  Since Padmé is a senator, however, and presumably has a high quality education, this is out of character.  The above is my in-world explanation, but it's likely that this error is simply the fault of the writer (Christian Taylor).  Earlier in this scene, Clovis makes the same error:  while searching through files in order to find out where missing funds have gone, he tells Padmé, "Whatever we find must remain between only you and I" (rather than "between only you and me").

For what it's worth, Obi-Wan Kenobi makes a similar error in "Hunt for Ziro" (S3E9, written by Steve Mitchell & Craig Van Sickle) when he tells Quinlan Vos, "As for this bounty hunter, Cad Bane, we must capture and return both he and his quarry Ziro to the courts."  "He" should be "him."

I've also written about the other two episodes in this arc:  "An Old Friend" and "Crisis at the Heart."