Saturday, November 4, 2017

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - S6E10 - "The Lost One"

The post contains general spoilers for Star Wars.

After a crashed shuttle containing Sifo-Dyas' lightsaber is found, the Jedi start looking into Sifo-Dyas' death, hoping they will learn how Sifo-Dyas ordered a clone army without their knowledge.  In their investigation, the Jedi discover that a file on Sifo-Dyas has been sealed by the office of the Supreme Chancellor.  Master Yoda visits the Chancellor to ask him about the file.

For most of their conversation, Chancellor Palpatine is standing so that his shadow falls on Yoda:

That the shadow falls where it does (which is certainly not coincidental since this is an animated show) illustrates Palpatine's deception of Yoda and the Jedi in general.  I'm not sure this has much relevance regarding the events in this specific episode, but Palpatine is definitely obscuring the Jedi's vision so that they don't discover his other identity as Darth Sidious.