A couple days ago, I re-watched Star Wars - Episode IV: A New Hope in preparation for seeing Rogue One in the cinema. This isn't the usual type of post I write here, but I noticed something about the sets.
Over the summer, I watched a panel from Star Wars Celebration 2016 titled Star Wars Archaeology in which it's mentioned that design elements in the Star Wars movies are re-used. For example, the set of the Death Star corridors was filmed from different angles to give the impression of different areas. Re-watching A New Hope recently, I found something else that was re-used.
Near the beginning of the movie, stormtroopers blast through the door of the rebel blockade runner:
Here's a close-up of the door:
This same door (orange now instead of white) appears again in Mos Eisley. Right before Luke sells his landspeeder, R2-D2 and C-3PO hide behind this door when more stormtroopers come walking down the street:
Here are those two screenshots side-by-side: