Saturday, February 6, 2016

Grimm - S4E9 - Wesenrein

This post contains spoilers.

Recently, I've been re-watching season four of Grimm, and I noticed something in episode nine - "Wesenrein."

At the end of the previous episode - "Chupacabra" - Juliette discovered that the headaches and nausea she's been experiencing were portends of her becoming a hexenbiest.  Episode nine continues where episode eight left off, right after this discovery.  Juliette starts to call Nick but stops the call before it goes through and then looks at herself in the mirror:

Because of the bevel in the mirror, she appears to have two faces, so her new nature is visualized.  There's Juliette, and then there's the hexenbiest that she's become.

Later, after she woges again (or, more accurately, nach sie wogt wieder), the glass in picture frames breaks, and the mirror shatters.  When she looks at it this time, her reflection also appears shattered:

Again it's visually demonstrated how her turning into a hexenbiest has affected her and will affect events later in the series.